What is a Mala

A Mala or Japa Mala is a set of beads, commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists for meditation.
Malas are just for keeping count while reciting, chanting or mentally preparing a mantra.
This practice is known in Sanskrit as japa. Malas are typically made with 18, 21, 27, 54 or 108 beads.
There are numerous explanations why there are 108 beads, with the number 108 bearing special religious significance in a number of Hindu and Buddhist traditions. 
Some say 1 stands for god or higher truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness  in spiritual practice,  and 8 stands for infinity and eternity.

A Mala is used for reflection, yoga practice or part of your Bohemian Style.
They can be worn by anyone who wants a mindful, peaceful life. 
Anyone can wear Mala Beads, whether you meditate or not.
Often, people are drawn to the Necklaces or Bracelets for their believed healing qualities of calming the mind and providing inner peace. 
You can wear them around your wrist, your neck, hang them on your altar or meditate on them.
If you choose to meditate on your Mala, you will most likely to use a mantra.
A mantra is a word, sound or phrase repeated to aid your concentration. It can be as simple as the word 'love or peace', something you are thankful for, or a Sanskrit phrase such as 'om shanti shanti shanti' which represents all encompassing peace. 
To count your mantras, hold your mantra in your hand and turn each bead with your thumb and middle finger. The index finger is believed to represent your 'ego' and is not recommended to turn the beads.
Going all the way around your Mala, you will eventually reach the Guru Bead (or a Charm) - the bead that dangles from the Mala. This signals a time for reflection. You can reflect on your meditation practice, give thanks to your mantra, honour your guru , or show yourself a moment of gratitude for slowing down to meditate. Never continue over the Guru Bead. Instead, turn around and continue in the opposite direction.

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